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Production environment on the shop floor, it can be observed production changes in real-time like machine status and material details. MSF real-time monitoring shows all production environments that can be monitored by way of dynamic real-time systems that collect and process the complete range of production-related data such as quantities, process parameters, and plant and machine status.

MSF auto-schedule functions in case of unacceptable deviations or discrepancies, corrective steps which may include MSF input, are automatically executed. Depending on the degree of automation, data can be directly transferred to subordinate systems.

MSF production auto-scheduling optimizes machine utilization, provides computer-based rescheduling due in case of changes in priority or others, and clearly displays the process execution. Thus, it ensures on-time and optimized production runs.

MSF makes metric analysis in order to find performance loss which is used by scheduling them to plan for production. In a production environment assign a workstation or workstations line as a master. All other work environments connect to each other in their multiple spaces. The environment has some constraints which are taken into account by MSF AI to make optimize the plan automatically.

The Constraints of the MSF Auto Scheduling System

What kind of constraints are there to be considered? 

Production order deadline or finishing on time. Some parts of order can be outsourced operation, parallel work orders which would be a different location, semi-material transfers system takes into account to work order optimizing processed caching time deadline.

Process optimization. Workstation operation evaluates to define workstation lost.  Define a calendar for a workstation in the common calendar, also it can be made a specific calendar for each workstation also it can be made a specific calendar for each operation. The system will optimize between calendars and maximize that workstation of constraints. The system assigns some work to the other workstation if the capacity is full.

Ergonomy to operation. The system analyzes atomically Muri and Muro employees for operating and scheduling.

Tact time. It can be set up as an accepted tolerance time between two jobs in the same workstation.

The minimum capacity of workstation and labors. In order to protect from bottlenecks between an operation or sequential jobs, it can be put time constraints to have a minimum bottleneck and protecting to want the second job and warranty time for another job.

If Maintenance is planned, the system will plan it for operation. It can be just put on its calendar for maintenance in order not to block production operation. This will improve productivity and decrease machine downtime.

Planned stop. Defining planned stops lunch, tea break like predefined others, system considers them, then it calculates and gives every time best case of production time. 

Tact time duration is unique for continuous production. During the assembly line of production, like some amount of car production line, what should have the time for each line like 2 minutes or 3 minutes are the tact time. On this constraint, the system assigns the work automatically to the workstation and guaranty that this work will finish this tact time duration. This constraint needs capacity setting. It means the system calculates how many employees need to finish this operation on this workstation, optimization calculation example for 200 jobs to get production, the system can calculate 250 employees.

Maximum capacity-related calendar like 5 hours in a day and 5 days in a week. Using this capacity, the system maximizes capacity on specific days. It can get target capacity like pre-setting %80 examples, based on this constraint, the system can plan automatically. The advantage of this low capacity, it is to share works to each workstation equally and machine usage optimization.

It can be maximized machine set up if machine set up time is a problem for some products like the plastic industry. For some component needs one set is enough, but some others need to be set up every time. The system can optimize to protect set-up time with a similar component work order in the sequence.

Labor ergonomy. Normally the job is assigned to an employee with normal capacity. But MSF uses a skill matrix to calculate ergonomy that gives MURI and MUDA analysis according to this value, system is scheduling for labor and workstation with ergonomic aspects.

The Objectives of the MSF Auto Scheduling System

MSF objectives;

Production order (priorities, between start/stop date it will be consistent)

Employee (finding optimum employee and maximize assign to workstation)

Workstation (maximum workstation capacity with assigning operation to default workstation)

MSF AI scheduling can;

Supports; Discrete, Contiguous, Assembly, or Continuous assembly productions process.

Visualization; Gantt diagram visualizes the schedule, Planned stops, Planned maintenance, Scheduling different locations, and the Work center view can be seen.

Parameters; Simulation can be used without saving, the Auto schedule can be made by the hour, shift, day, week, etc., and work order can be Divided automatically.

Navigation; it can be Exported to PDF and excel files, can be Zoom in/out selected day, can be Filtered start/finish date, and Filter job orders and other parameters.

As an example of the capability of calculation, MSF can optimize 20 jobs in one work order in 2 second time period.

MSF benefits of production auto-scheduling;

Increase production efficiency,

Save time spent on planning,

Workload balancing,

Real-time employee allocation,

Increase production capacity,

Revealing hidden capacity,

Different strategies for scheduling like minimizing employee and maximizing capacity,

Maintained resource and operation constraints like operation order, queue time, set up time, etc.,

Accurate estimated finish times.

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